Returns for refund are accepted within 15 days from the original delivery date. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions to review the complete Return Policy. If you used the Arculus card to create a wallet and have assets held in that wallet, please "wipe" the card before returning to us. To wipe the card, please follow these instructions:
1. Send all of the assets held in your Arculus Wallet to another wallet platform or exchange using the "Send" feature.
2 Uninstall/reinstall your Arculus mobile app from your phone.
3. Hold the Arculus card to your phone and "Create a New Wallet" using the Arculus mobile app. Once that new wallet is created, the private keys from your original wallet will be over-written in the card.
4. You can now return the Arculus card to us with an empty wallet
Please contact Customer Support to begin that process and receive a return label if your shipping address is within the United States. Attach this label to your package when returning your Arculus™ Card. Once received, we will issue a refund.
Please note that for International orders, we do not refund shipping fees, duties or taxes. We will only refund the cost of the Arculus card. You will also be responsible for paying any shipping fees associated with the return of the Arculus card to us.
Does Arculus™ offer refunds for damaged items?
As long as the seal on the outer mailer has not been tampered with, the Arculus™ Card inside the mailer should be fully functional. Otherwise, please contact Customer Support for a replacement card.