Receiving crypto
1.) In the Arculus Wallet™ App, go to “Wallet,” click on the desired cryptocurrency to receive.
2.) Click “Receive.”
3.) Allow the sender to scan your QR code, or, click “Copy” to copy address to clipboard, or, click “Share” button to send address/QR code through a variety of platforms.
4.) If the address was copied or shared, it then needs to be pasted into whichever platform the sender is attempting to use to send from.
If you need further assistance with the send process on the platform you are sending from, please reach out to their support team for assistance.
Sending crypto
1.) Select “Send” from the bottom navigation bar, or, from “Wallet,” click on desired cryptocurrency to send then click “Send”, or, from “History,” click on a previous transaction you sent. The previous transaction will be displayed and you will have the option to “Repeat transaction”. Clicking on this will autofill the previous address.
2.) On “Send” screen, click QR code icon and scan QR code for address of desired cryptocurrency destination, or copy and paste address of destination into Address line.
3.) Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you would like to send in the cryptocurrency field.
4.) Click “Send.”
5.) Enter your PIN.
6.) Tap your ArculusTM Card to the back of your phone (or other mobile device).
7.) The “Assets sent” screen will pop up confirming the transaction.
Your transaction can be seen in “History” once cryptocurrency is sent.
Swapping crypto
1.) Select “Buy/Swap” from the bottom navigation bar, or, from “Wallet,” click on the desired cryptocurrency to swap from, and then click “Swap.” Only currencies supported for swapping will have the "Swap" button present.
2.) Use the dropdown menus to select the desired cryptocurrency to swap from and the cryptocurrency to swap to. Only currencies supported for swapping will be available to choose from.
3.) Enter the desired amount of the cryptocurrency in the “Amount from” field and hit “done,” and the conversion to output cryptocurrency will be displayed.
4.) Click “Next”.
5.) Confirm information on the “Swap” screen is accurate then hit “Swap”. Our liquidity partner,, will complete your transaction.
6.) You will be asked to enter your 6 digit PIN-code and connect your Arculus Card to your device to approve the transaction.
7.) The cryptocurrency being swapped will be sent out, and after it passes through the blockchain, the output cryptocurrency will be received into your Arculus Wallet.
Buying Crypto
1.) Select “Buy/Swap” from the bottom navigation bar.
2.) Ensure the correct local currency (for example, USD) appears in the “Amount from” field. Select the desired cryptocurrency to buy using the dropdown menu next to the “Amount to” field.
3.) Input the desired amount of fiat currency to spend in the “Amount from” field and the conversion to the cryptocurrency will be displayed.
4.) Click “Next.”
5.) You will be asked to allow your Arculus™ wallet to use your location – the transaction will not be completed if location is not enabled.
6.) Our liquidity partner, Onramper, will complete your transaction, and they will ask you to enter your information. You can also select between different Onramp options and payment methods at this stage.
7.) Proceed through the Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance process for whichever Onramp option you chose and input required information to complete the transaction. Camera access may also be required to verify identity for KYC.
8.) Once the transaction is approved, the output cryptocurrency will be received into your Arculus Wallet.
Please note that cryptocurrency cannot be purchased in the states of Hawaii or New York.
Selling Crypto
1.) Select the currency you wish to sell for fiat, and then tap 'Swap' on the currency page. If the swap option is not available, then this currency cannot be sold for fiat within the Arculus app.
2.) Ensure the correct local currency (for example, USD) appears in the “Amount to” field.
3.) Input the desired amount of crypto currency to sell in the “Amount from” field and the conversion to fiat will be displayed.
4.) Click “Next.”
5.) You will be asked to allow your Arculus™ wallet to use your location – the transaction will not be completed if location is not enabled.
6.) The app will redirect you to the sale confirmation screen from our third party partner Transak. Tap 'Sell Now' to confirm the transaction.
7.) Enter your email address on the next screen and enter the verification code sent to it.
8.) Enter your billing Address on the next screen
9.) Enter your credit or debit card information on the next screen and confirm. You will be redirected back to the Arculus send screen with all of the send information filled out. Simply tap the 'Next' button to proceed.
10.) Enter your PIN-code and sign the transaction.
11.) Your crypto will be converted to fiat and sent to the credit or debit card number you provided.