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In order to connect your Arculus wallet to MetaMask, you need to have a computer with a functional web camera, and you also need to have MetaMask installed as a browser extension. The download links can be found on MetaMask's official website here. After installing MetaMask, it should launch on its own, however if it does not, you can start it by finding it in your list of installed browser extensions. Once you have launched MetaMask, select the option to create a brand new wallet. You can also use MetaMask for this process with an existing wallet that you had already restored there prior to this. Once you have created a new wallet, or if you already have an existing MetaMask wallet, please follow the steps below to add your Arculus wallet to your MetaMask. Please also ensure you have your Arculus card nearby, as you will need it briefly during the process.


1.) Click on your 'Account' (could be Account 1, or Account 2, etc) towards the top of your MetaMask window

2.) Click 'Add account or hardware wallet'

3.) Click 'Add hardware wallet'

4.) Select the 'QR-based' option and click 'Continue'. MetaMask will then turn on your webcam and launch a small window showing you what your webcam sees.

5.) Open your Arculus app and navigate to the in-app 'Settings' menu

6.) Tap on 'Connect MetaMask'. You Arculus app will then prompt you to hold your Arculus card to the back of your phone briefly. Once that has been done, a QR code will be displayed to you in your Arculus app.

7.) Turn your phone's screen towards your webcam, and align it so that the QR code on your phone's screen appears in the small window that appeared in your MetaMask in Step 4. Hold it there until MetaMask reads the QR code.

8.) Once MetaMask has successfully read the QR code displayed by your Arculus app, it will give you a list of addresses to import. You only need to select the first address on that list, as that is the one used by your Arculus wallet.

9.) Once the first address is selected, click the 'Unlock' button, and you are all set! Your Arculus wallet should now be connected to MetaMask. You Arculus wallet will be listed as 'QR Hardware 1' in your list of MetaMask accounts.

You can also choose to import all of your ERC-20 tokens that you have in your wallet. On your MetaMask wallet screen you should see an option to do so shortly after connecting your Arculus wallet.