This feature can only be utilized once you already have at least one card restored in your Arculus wallet app. It is not possible to add multiple cards simultaneously during initial wallet setup, the first wallet needs to be restored by following the normal restore process, the steps for which can be found here. Please see the sections below for instructions on how to add additional cards once you have an existing wallet.
Adding a card
1.) Tap the settings gear icon in the upper left corner of the screen
2.) Tap 'Manage Cards'
3.) Tap 'Add New Card' at the bottom of the screen
4.) You will be prompted to tap and hold the card to your phone. Tap and hold the new card to the back of the phone
5.) Select either 'Create New Wallet' or 'Restore Wallet'
6.) Follow the steps for either wallet creation or restoration
Removing a card
1.) Tap the settings gear icon in the upper left corner of the screen
2.) Tap 'Manage Cards'
3.) Tap the wallet you would like to delete. If you are not currently in that wallet, you will be switched to the wallet you are selecting, and the app will either require your biometrics for this or a card tap if you do not have biometrics enabled
4.) Tap 'Delete Card'
Switching between cards
1.) Tap your wallet name towards the top of the screen
2.) Select the other wallet of your choice
3.) The app will either require your biometrics or a card tap if you do not have biometrics enabled
**Note that each Arculus Card can only be paired with one wallet at a time. If you create a new wallet, or restore a different recovery phrase with your Arculus card, you will no longer be able to login or sign transactions with that card on a previous wallet.