Posted by administrator

Yes, you can use the 12 or 24-word recovery phrase generated by the Arculus Wallet to restore your wallet on different wallet platforms as long as the wallet you are restoring on uses the same wallet derivation paths as Arculus. Derivation paths set the standard of how your public addresses and private keys are created. Each wallet may use slightly different paths for connection. Each path will generate a new list of addresses relative to your private root key. See more on derivation paths here:

For Bitcoin, Arculus uses a wallet derivation path of m/0' and may not be supported by other wallets like Ledger, for example. Many wallets, however, allow you to specify the derivation path of m/0’ in order to see and access your BTC once the wallet is restored.

For ADA,  Arculus uses a Shelly-Icarus seed with a derivation path of m/1852'/1815'/0'/0/0.

For Radix, Arculus uses the Olympia derivation method.

Therefore, if you ever lose your Arculus card and choose not to replace it, you would still be able to use your 12 or 24-word recovery phrase to restore your wallet on another platform and access your cryptocurrency just be sure the wallet platform has compatible derivation paths.