Crypto-to-crypto swaps typically take anywhere between 30 minutes to about two hours depending on which cryptocurrencies are involved, the congestion of the blockchains involved at the time of the transfer, and also on our liquidity partner, Processing time is minimized by promptly providing with all requested information for Know Your Customer (KYC)/ Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance. You can reach at this email address:
If you have provided with all requested information, allowed sufficient time for the transfer to go through and you are still having trouble, please file a ticket with the help desk here and include your transaction ID in the ticket.
Fiat-to-crypto transfers can take anywhere from ten minutes up to an hour depending on which cryptocurrency is being transferred and the congestion of the blockchain at the time of the transfer and is also dependent on which payment processor you choose (provided by onramp aggregator Onramper). Processing time is minimized by promptly providing the selected payment processor with all requested information for Know Your Customer (KYC)/ Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance.
Crypto-to-fiat transfers can take anywhere from anywhere from ten minutes up to an hour. Since you need to send your crypto to our exchange partner Transak as part of the process, the speed of the transfer is ultimately dependent on how quickly Transak receives your crypto and how quickly the KYC information you provided is processed. As with other crypto transfers, the congestion of whichever blockchain you are sending your crypto over will determine how fast the transaction is confirmed. Once the transaction is confirmed and the KYC process is completed, Transak will send you your fiat currency.