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Certain currencies such as XRP or XLM, among others, will sometimes require you to enter a destination tag or memo in addition to the destination address. Destination tags/memos are used by exchanges to distinguish between individual user accounts on their end. When sending such currencies to an exchange it is necessary to specify a destination tag/memo so that the exchange knows which user account to route the transfer to. Since Arculus is a self-custody wallet and not an exchange, it does not use destination tags or memos for any currencies. Therefore you do not need to specify a destination tag or memo when sending to your Arculus wallet.

Sometimes you may run into an issue where when attempting to send to your Arculus wallet from an exchange platform, you are forced to specify a destination tag or memo. In that case you would need to enter any arbitrary information in the destination tag or memo field. What you enter in that field will not affect whether or not you receive your sent crypto in your Arculus wallet. Please note however that depending on the currency you are trying to send and the exchange platform you are using, the criteria for what constitutes a "valid" destination tag/memo may be different. If the arbitrary tag or memo you are entering is not being accepted as valid by the exchange, you would need to reach out to that exchanges support team for assistance.